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A Member of the General Federation of Women's Clubs


GFWC of Massachusetts
Junior Membership
Director of Junior Clubs

Hi My Federation Friends,

GFWC, It’s A Volunteer Thing! For many of us it is so much more than just volunteering. I have
friendships, experiences and memories that I would have never had if not for GFWC. I look
forward to serving as a leader in the Junior Membership. I am so grateful for all the Past Junior
Directors and those clubwomen who have listened, laughed, cried and sighed with me. Those Past
Junior Directors, who, no matter how crazy some of the ideas I would have, and there were many,
never made me feel crazy. We all know that no one gets here by themselves and as the saying goes “ it takes a village to raise a child “, well, it takes a whole lot of devoted women, lots of meetings, and way too much chicken to raise a GFWC of Massachusetts Director of Junior Clubs. I can only hope to end my administration with greater experiences, deeper friendships and memories that will last me a lifetime.

When I joined the General Federation of Woman’s Clubs here in Massachusetts it didn’t take me
long to see that this is where I wanted to be. This was a group, an organization of professional
volunteers. I saw these women making a difference in my town, my family and my world. Having
a place where I can use my gifts and talents is a true blessing to me, one that I do not take lightly.
You and I have the power to change lives – our own and others. We, the club members of this
great organization know this we do it every day through our volunteer actions.

As many of you know, as the GFWC of Massachusetts Director of Junior Clubs I needed to
choose a focus area, some area where I wanted you and I to changes lives for the better. My focus
will be mental health and it is my hope that you will join me and support me in raising awareness
of the many mental health challenges that we face every day. From the homeless folks who live on
the streets, to the teenager struggling with thoughts of suicide, or the new mom who is wondering
what is wrong with her because she doesn’t feel joy over her new baby? When you look at the
wonderful diversity of our organization, the mental health area can touch most of them. Public
Issues and our returning veterans with PTSD, our Signature Project Domestic Violence and the
many faceted challenges there, Home Life and women’s health, bi-polar, depression, and anxiety
disorders. There is a lot of work to be done in this area of our lives and I know first hand that
we…. GFWC of Massachusetts Juniors can and will change the lives of those around us through
awareness and resources education.

I am humbled to call you my friends and thank you for the opportunity to serve as the 2010/2012
General Federation of Women’s Clubs Massachusetts Director of Junior Clubs.

T Jablanski

“Remember without change there are no flowers.”

To offer comments and or to receive more information about our organization  Please contact: Nancy Clark, Webmaster,   or  write to: GFWC of Massachusetts, Junior Membership,  P.O. Box 679, Sudbury, MA 01776-0679
GFWC of Massachusetts Headquarters is at  245 Dutton Road, Sudbury, MA.  Click here for directions!