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Action Alerts

GFWC's "Legislative Action Center" has launched.  Click here to sign up for future email alerts!

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If you sign up, you will receive the most recent alerts like the one below:

Take Action Against Sexual Assualt in the U.S. Military 
Support the Military Justice Improvement Act                                                                          Take Action!
Urge Your Elected Officials to Act Now
According to a U.S. Department of Defense Report, approximately 26,000 sexual assault or unwanted sexual contact incidents were reported in 2012, representing a 37% increase from 2011.

The Military Justice Improvement Act—a bi-partisan Senate-House bill—was introduced to bring about necessary changes for handling and prosecuting sexual assault cases within the U.S. Military.

In accordance with GFWC Resolutions 015-550 Sexual Assault and 015-730 Sexual Assault of Women Serving in and with the Armed Forces, GFWC supports legislation that will put an end to this national issue. Urge Congress to act now. 

Excerpted from a GFWC email alert. 
Just click on the "Take Action" link to easily inform your legislatures of your support!

To offer comments and or to receive more information about our organization  Please contact: Nancy Clark, Webmaster,   or  write to: GFWC of Massachusetts, Junior Membership,  P.O. Box 679, Sudbury, MA 01776-0679 GFWC of Massachusetts Headquarters is at  245 Dutton Road, Sudbury, MA.  Click here for directions!