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Clubwoman Magazine

Click here for the Subscription Form for the GFWC Cluwoman Magazine.
Click here to subscribe through GFWC Marketplace.

GFWC Clubwoman magazine is the premier publication of the General Federation of Women's Clubs. GFWC Clubwoman is one of the most useful and beneficial communication tools we have to inform and educate members.

  • Get programming ideas through the Calendar featuring celebratory days, weeks, and months
  • Stay current with the administration by reading the From the President letter and the President's Special Project page
  • Get plugged in to news, tips, and advice in On Target, featuring the WebWorks column to help you get and stay Web-savvy, and HQ&A where you'll find answers to your most frequently asked questions
  • Learn about valuable program changes, ideas, and new contacts in Program Updates
  • Keep an eye on legislation that you're concerned about in Watching Washington
  • Pick up tips from other clubs across the country in Volunteers in Action
  • See which clubs are celebrating a milestone birthday in Club Anniversaries
  • Read informative features written by your fellow clubwomen and GFWC staff
  • And much, much more!

All of this for just $1.67 per issue ($10 annually)! And, if your entire club subscribes (100 percent subscriber level), the price drops to a mere $1.34 per issue ($8 annually).

Since not all clubs have their own clubhouse, a complimentary copy of the magazine is sent to each club president at her home address. However, it is not hers alone: It is your club's magazine. Your president should share the magazine with your club. Be sure to ask your president to bring it to club meetings so that you can pass it around.

To offer comments and or to receive more information about our organization  Please contact: Diane Murphy, Director,   or write to: GFWC of Massachusetts, Junior Membership,  P.O. Box 679, Sudbury, MA 01776-0679 GFWC of Massachusetts Headquarters is at  245 Dutton Road, Sudbury, MA.  Click here for directions!